
Troitsk School of Advanced Training of Physics Teachers
"Actual problems of physics and astronomy: integration of science and education", Moscow-Troitsk, 28.10-01.11.2024

Troitsk School of Advanced Training of Physics Teachers "Actual Problems of Physics and Astronomy: Integration of Science and Education" (TSPT) is an annual event in the format of a conference - a scientific and practical school with the active involvement of the Russian Academy of Sciences, scientific research institutes of science city, and high-tech enterprises. The program provides for overview lectures by leading world-class scientists on topical issues of modern natural science with reference to relevant subject courses (physics, chemistry, astronomy, mathematics, biology), as well as with an obligatory practical illustration of lectures at the leading laboratories of Troitsk Research Institutes.The participants of the school receive certificates of state qualification improvement based on the results of their work. The main competitive advantage is the unprecedented concentration in Troitsk of leading scientific institutes, whose research subjects and unique experimental base overlap the programs of almost all natural science disciplines.

The main objectives of the TSPT:
- Advanced training of teachers of natural science disciplines of secondary schools, higher educational institutions.
- Popularization of science and presentation of the achievements of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Research Institutes of Troitsk, Hi-Tech Companies.
- Forming a single scientific and educational space in the city of science.
- Preparing highly qualified scientific and educational personnel.
- Vocational guidance aimed at involvement of high-motivated young cadres in scientific and educational organizations, as well as in Hi-Tech Companies.